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MG-Picker Studio designer mode:

The basic work flow:

1.Switch to a certain tool in Area 1;

2.Create picker buttons and edit them interactively in Area 2,

3.To edit the picker items' experience or their member/attribute data, select them and set up all kinds of properties in Area 3,

4.To attach/edit a popup menu to a picker item, use the menu editor in Area 4.



lightbulb Use hotkey "F8" to switch between animator mode  & designer mode.

lightbulb Use Outliner to get an overview of all the picker items in the picker, regardless of the visibility.

lightbulb Use the Style panel to create a style library for quick application.

lightbulb Use the Relationship view to understand the visibility control relationship, as sometimes this is a bit hard to know what is happening in the picker view.

lightbulb  Every widget control in this UI has attached a tooltip string. Hover the mouse upon it, read the pop-up tooltip and you should be ready to go.


Help Topics For Designer:

Quick Workflow

SVG Workflow

Design Principle

Item Types

Item Shapes


Relationship Panel


Picker Menu


Distribute Pickers in Pipeline

Picker Intergration

Publish to Internet

Publish to Internet

Tips For Designer

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