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▪MG-Picker Studio searchs 3 Basic paths and any count of other paths for the desired picker: ▪Picker nodes fully inside the Maya scene. ▪Picker nodes partially Inside the Maya scene. ▪This is the preferable way to distribute your picker since the edit and maintenance of the picker file is separated from your rig Maya scene, yet your picker can be loaded with the clue in the picker node. •${M_PROJ_DIR}: Current Maya project directory. •${MAYA_CURRENT_SCENE_DIR}: Current Maya scene directory. •${M_CURRENT_ASSET_DIR}: Current asset Maya scene directory. Say the asset is referenced, it will still give you the asset scene directory instead current Maya scene directory.
•$M_PROJ_DIR/picker/pickerName/pickerfile.mgpkr •${M_SCENE_DIR}_picker/pickerName/pickerfile.mgpkr •D:/workarea/projects/${MyProjectName}/pickerName/pickerfile.mgpkr •/path/to/$MyProjectName/$MyPickerName/${MyPickerName}.mgpkr ▪Maya scene directory/pickers subfolder. ▪Maya user applicaton directory / MG_PickerData / Picker Project. ▪Other paths added in the MG-Picker Studio Preference dialog. Share this file among the pipeline so everybody shares the same searching rule.
▪How to distribute picker files/nodes in your production pipeline Since now you know the search paths MG-Picker Studio uses to search and load the pickers, you know how to distribute your picker data in the pipeline. Notice that only the in-scene picker node could be auto-loadable when a new scene is opened. But wait, there are more ways: Using programming way, which is the most customizable, but need bit of programming . You can define two class inherit from MGP.loader.MGPickerRigListerBase and MGP.loader.MGPickerLoaderBase . MGPickerRigListerBase is for listing out all the rig asset names in your Maya scene, or a certain category of assets, such as characters, props, etc. MGPickerLoaderBase is for returning a picker full path for an asset name, so it can be loaded. With these two classes, you enable MG-Picker studio to auto-load pickers for all assets in your Maya scene, and also auto-load pickers for a specific rig based on selection. Check out here for more information.
▪The Portability of Picker Images: There are several image properties for picker items, such as background image for the panel or group, item image for select-button, command-button and slider handle, and menu icons. MG-Picker Studio will try its best to set all these image paths to be relative, by copying the image to the same directory the picker file stays, or the "asset Maya file directory/pickerimages" folder when it is a picker node.In the same way, for a relative image path, MG-Picker Studio will try to solve the relative image path to the absolute path in the background by searching the image in the picker file directory or the "asset Maya file directory/pickerimages" directory.With that being said, if it is a picker file, the folder that contains the file should also contain the picker images it uses, if it is a picker node, there must be a folder called "pickerimages" beside the Maya scene file. When the asset is referenced, MG-Picker Studio will still try to find the image in the asset file "directory/pickerimages" folder.
To copy these images to the proper folder and convert these paths to be relative, go to "Picker menu / Process images To Relative Path..".
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