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Currently there are 6 types of picker item:

selectButton Select-Button :

Select-Button is for Maya selection, it contains a list of objects as members.

You could assign a post-action so that if the button is pressed or frame-selected, Maya will switch to translate/rotate/scale tools for further tweaks.

Also after the mouse pressing, the program will refocus on Maya's 3d panel, so all Maya hotkey still works automatically, such as S for keyframe setting.

Only select-button could be linked with parent links.

commandBtnTool Command-Button :

A command-button contains MEL/python code to be executed when it is pressed and released.

Command-button could be created really fast through command-button presets, also you could insert the code snippet to speed up the coding.

Because all picker items are in full control of MG-Picker Studio's API, you could program to use these codes to control other picker items or the button itself.

For further info, read the programmer guide below section.

attributeButton Attribute-Button:

An attribute-button could control other picker item visibilities using attribute links, along with controlling a single Maya node attribute.

You could use it to control a single Maya attribute, and if the attribute has been changed in other ways in Maya,

when your mouse enters the picker view, the attribute buttons will update themselves to show the correct values.

sliders Slider:

The sliders are mainly deigned to control the facial controls, but there is no limitation if you want it to control any attributes that has a value range.

For an attribute that doesn't have a value range, by default the range will be -1~1, but for rotation value it will be -45~45.

You can assign any virtual attribute value range, but the real value range you can set the attribute value still decided by maya node.

You could assign a horizontal attribute as well as a vertical attribute,which will be controlled when the slider handle is moved in horizontal/vertical direction.


Slider Handle:

Slider handle cannot be created alone, it always get created when you create a slider. But you can select and edit the handle alone.

text Text:

A text item is just a simple text that you use to annotate the picker, such as placing a introduction text for the usage your picker.

A text item is by default not interactive, which means it will never response to a mouse clicking.

The text could be a single line or a paragraph.

graphicItem Graphic Item:

A graphic item serves nothing but visual purposes. It is by default non-interactive, thus it does not respond to a mouse action.

It does not control any Maya attribute nor interact with Maya, it is pure graphics.


A group is a light-weight version of a panel, it just serve to group a bunch of picker items together, it is by default invisible.

Use Ctrl+G to group selected picker items. Group will reduce the use of the attribute links, as you only need to control the group visibility instead of control each individual children.

A group can carry background image and a shape, but it does not have snapshot features as panel does.


A picker panel is a container that contains other picker items, a panel could also contain other panels as children.

You use a picker panel to organize different categories of contents, such as body, facial, deformers, fingers, etc.
A panel can be treated as a group, in the code, it inherits from Group. So in UI sometimes the term "Group" actually refers to either group or panel.


lightbulb To have an overview of all items of different types in the picker file, use the new Outliner.

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