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Item shapes:

A picker item, which could be select-button, command-button, slider, attribute-button, text, or panel, all of them contain a shape of their own.

The shape is in charge of drawing the picker item, it determines how the item will look like.

There are many types of item shapes:

Rectangle, rounded rectangle, ellipse, circle, triangle, diamond, trapezoid, pentagon, hexagon, polygon, bezier, image, widget control, attribute button, rounded attribute button, and Slider.

Some picker items only support a certain shape type, such as widget control, attribute Button, rounded attribute button shape types could only be used by attribute-button,

slider shape could only be used by slider item.

lightbulb You could switch to another shape that the picker supports on the top of the attribute editor.

lightbulb Different shape types have different properties, which could also be set in the attribute editor.

lightbulb  To use the polygon tool polygonTool to draw/edit a polygon, you should select a picker item containing a polygon shape. If not, switch its shape type to the polygon.

lightbulb  To use the bezier tool bezierTool to draw/edit the bezier curve, you should select a picker item containing a bezier shape. If not, switch its shape type to bezier.

lightbulb  To rotate / flip the bezier curve or polygon shape, select the picker item, and go to Edit Menu / Transform Bezier/Polygon Item..


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