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Tips for using the MG-Picker Studio in animator mode:

lightbulb Use the "Ctrl+F" hotkey and "Escape" hotkey to turn on / off the attribute searching widget.

lightbulb In animator mode, MG-Picker Studio only occupies a very small set of hotkeys, you could use almost every Maya hotkey. In designer mode, only picker hotkeys could be accessed.

lightbulb When you do the frame selection or click on a select button or a slider handle, the thing will be selected or deselected in the Maya scene, meanwhile, it will automatically refocus on Maya 3d view, so Maya's hotkey works, say, press "S" to set key.

lightbulb  A post-action could be set for a select button during the design phase, so that after you click and release on it, MG-Picker studio will switch your Maya to move/rotate/scale tools automatically.

lightbulb  CTRL + Tab hotkey to switch to the next picker. CTRL + SHIFT + Tab hotkey to switch to the previous picker.

In the pop-up picker switcher, MMB clicks on a picker thumbnail to close that picker.

lightbulb The attribute link will be invisible in animator mode, while the parent link will be visible with a configurable opacity,

they are not totally invisible because animators need to know what child select buttons will also be used for selecting when he doubles clicking on the parent select-button.

You could set the parent link opacity in the MG-Picker Studio preference window.

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