
bookmark ReLocator:



Generate a controller that can relocate multiple objects at the same time.

The change will be fitted into the original keyframes.

* This tool is inspired by "relocator tool" by Indigo. Add it in because my colleagues asked.

I rewrote the tool completely and made some fix to it, such as the support to the animation on the relocator ,which makes it kind like a temporary animLayer.


bookmark How to Use:

1.Open relocator UI:

2.Select the objects you want to reposition, press the "+" button to add them into the list.
If you do this before open UI,the UI will automatically add the selection into the list.

3.Press the "Begin Relocating! " button. The button label will be set to "Finish relocating !" ,and the button "Reselect Relocator" will be available.
The relocator has been made and selected, it will control the objects in the list. Use it to rotate/translate the objects.Keyframe  the relocator if you need.

4.Press "Finish relocating !" to delete the relocator, the relocating result will be merged into objects' keyframes.

lightbulb Tips:during relocating, because the relocator is actually a null group hierarchy, if you lost the selection of it ,you can use "Reselect Relocator" button to reselect the group to continue relocating.


bookmark UI elements:


flag_blue addItemIcon :Add scene selection into the list.

flag_blue trashIcon :Remove the selected items from the list.Use del key to do the same thing.

flag_blue refreshIcon :Reread the information,if the relocator exists in your scene, it will prepare the UI things make you can continue relocating.

It's useful after you finished relocating and press undo to go back to try it again.

flag_blue helpIcon:Click to show the simple help at the right side of UI. Right clicking on it, there is an entry to detailed help doc.
