
bookmark KeyframeProbe



Search for keyframed objects of current selected rig.

Search result will be listed out to make you know what are moving current rig.

It will be useful in the situation that you think you "clear" all keyframes of current rig,but it is still moving! Use it to help you~!


bookmark How to use:

1.Open keyframe probe UI, setup desired probe options:

2.Select any part of rig character,press the "Probe" button.(Set the option if necessary)

3.The result will be listed in the list below. You can quickly select the object by double clicking the list item.


bookmark Some UI elements:        

flag_blue Mode : All Frames: Any keyframed objects of the rig will be shown in the list.

Current Frames: Only the objects whose animCurves cover the current frame will be shown in the list.

Probe Value Change: The objects are not necessary be keyframed, but should have a attribute change from previous frame to current frame.

flag_blue Include Keyframe Infinity: Some time controller is moving because the keyframe infinity.Check on this option to take that into consideration.

flag_blue Only Changed Comparing to Previous Frame: List the object out only if it actually have a attribute changed. The change is defined as a value change bigger than 0.0001.

If current mode is "Probe Value Change", this option is lock to "on". if current mode is "All Frames", this option is not available.

flag_blue Only Scan transform : Only the transform nodes can be shown in the list.

flag_blue Probe button:Begin probing action.

flag_blue Select In Scene button: Select corresponding nodes in your scene via the selected items in the list.

flag_blue Select All In Scene  button:Select all nodes in your scene via all the items in the list.


Warning When there are more than 30000 objects to probe, the tool will prompt to confirm, because that will probably be slow.

