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MG-Picker Studio animator mode:



The UI of animator mode is designed to be as simple as possible, to save the workspace for animators.

The power of this mode focuses on the picker searching & loading, and the user interaction of the picker.

Warning In animator mode, all edits to pickers are not savable, you must press the F8 hotkey to switch to the Designer mode in order to save the edit.

Warning In animator mode, all unsaved edits won't be warned before you close the pickers or quit the application.

It is designed to act like this to not bug the animator too much since they will frequently close/load different pickers.

lightbulb Use hotkey "F8" to switch between animator mode  & designer mode.


UI Quick go through:



(1)  Animator Interactive: This is the mode you use when you just want to use the picker.

(2)  Simple Edit Interactive: Some basic picker editing features are available in this mode.

(3)  Namespace Field: This field shows the namespace of the current picker, directly edit the text to edit the namespace.

(4)  Fetch Namespace Button: Click to grab the namespace of Maya selection and use that as the picker namespace.

(5)  Open Button: All the open features are available in this button, LMB click and choose one way to load the picker in its context menu.

(6)  Search & Load: Click to search and load related picker file/node. It grabs the namespace of the selected Maya node and finds and loads the corresponding picker node/file.

(7)  More Features Button: The button serves as a "more features" button. LMB clicks it to visit more features.

(8)  Picker Tabs: The Tabs support drag & drop action between layout areas to reorder the tabs. Middle click to close it.

(9)  Layout Switcher: Click on this button to switch to single/multiple picker views.


Help Topics For Animator:

Loading Pickers

Set Namespace

Viewport Manipulation

Animator Interactivity

Simple Editing

MG-Select Helper

Tips For Animator

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