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Simple creating & editing feature in animator mode:

To create simple picker items or edit them for temporary use, you need to activate the simple edit mode by clicking on the button .


The old  W, Q, and Y hotkeys are all removed to avoid confusion during animating.

Within simple edit mode, you could select, move picker items, assign their fill color, and label color with the two color buttons above.

Right-clicking in this mode, a menu that carries item-creating / editing features will pop up.

Read the tooltip of each menu item to know its usage.

Warning  Even In this mode, all edits to the picker are not savable, you must press the F8 hotkey to switch to the Designer mode in order to save all the edits.


lightbulb When you use a picker that is designed by riggers, usually you want a temporary space to store the temporary selection.

I suggest you switch the view layout to "Column2", load your picker in the left area, mouse click to active the right area,

press "CTRL+N" or CTRL+LMB Double click to create a temp picker view, and put all the temp picker buttons in that view, by utilizing the creating features in the right click

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