
bookmark Keyframe scale tool:



Scale scene animation.

Scale animation to keep animation speed between different frame rates.


bookmark How to Use:

1.Open UI:

2.Input a frame number as the scale pivot.

3.Input a float as the multiplier.

4.Config the target objects mode and time mode.

5.If you want to keep all keyframes at integer frame,check on "Auto-Snap Keyframe After Scale".

6.Press the "Scale !!" button to actually scale the animation.

bookmark Some UI elements:

flag_blue FrameRate Convertion :If you know the scale multiplier, just ignore this area .All it does is to calculate and give you the scale multiplier.

Source frameRate:It is often the frame rate of current scene. Use "Get" button to get current scene frameRate.

Target frameRate: It is the target frame rate of current scene will be converted to. After scaling you can change frameRate in maya's preference window.

Press "Clac" button to calculate and put that result float into the multiplier floatField.

flag_blue Scale Pivot :Input a frame number as the scale pivot.

flag_blue Multiplier :Input the multiplier float. Use frameRate convertion area to calculate out the multiplier for you if necessary.

flag_blue Objects Mode :

All Keyframed objects : Scale all animation of current scene.

Selected Rig: Scale all animation of current selected rig.

Selected Objects : Scale only the animation of current selected objects.

flag_blue Time Mode :

         All: All animation will be scaled.

         Selected Range:Only the animation in the selected time range will be scaled.

flag_blue GetPivot :Input current frame into the scale pivot field.

flag_blue Auto-Snap Keyframe After Scale: Use super snapKeyframe tool to snap all animation to integer frame after scaling.

flag_blue Scale !! Button :Do the actual scaling.
