
bookmark Create A Library Project:

Click the newSelset_icon button at the top right of the tool / New Project..

Project Menu / New Project..

If no project is available, click the [+ Project..] button in the hierarchy button area.


bookmark New Project Dialog:


flag_blueProject Name: Input a project name.

Warning The name should only be composed of English letters, digit and under-bar, because actual folder will be created with this name.

Actually the tool will covert any invalid letters into under-bar.

flag_blueProject Description: Input some text to describe your project. This is optional.

flag_blueGlobal Directories Settings: This is critical. You set up the global folder where the tool stores the global pose/anim libraries.

By default, the global directories are the same as the local ones.

Warning The local directory settings are hard coded in MGTools:

The local pose library should always be in Maya's User Application Directory/MGTools_GlobalData/MG_PoseAnimLib/YourProjectName/PoseLib;

The local anim library should always be in Maya's User Application Directory/MGTools_GlobalData/MG_PoseAnimLib/YourProjectName/AnimLib;

On the contrary, the global library directory are fully customizable.

flag_blueGlobal Root Settings: Assign a root folder to store the global pose & anim library.

No Need A Global Library: Do not use a global library, If you switch the tool to global library, it will warn you this.

Use Custom: Use the "Pick.." button to pick a custom directory as the root folder for the global pose & anim library.

If the custom path is empty, the global library is the same as the local library, which does the same as option 1.

flag_blueGlobal PoseLib Settings:

Use [Global Project Root] / PoseLib: Say your project root set above is "Z:/Library/PoseAnim/YourProjectName/",

then the global pose lib will be in "Z:/Library/PoseAnim/YourProjectName/PoseLib".

Use Custom: Use the "Pick.." button to pick a custom directory as the root folder for the global pose library.

If the custom path is empty, the global pose library is the same as the local pose library.                    

flag_blueGlobal AnimLib Settings:

Use [Global Project Root] / AnimLib: Say your project root set above is Z:/Library/PoseAnim/YourProjectName/,

then the global anim lib will be in Z:/Library/PoseAnim/YourProjectName/AnimLib.

Use Custom: You could use the "Pick.." button to pick a custom directory as the root folder for the global animation library.

If the custom path is empty, the global anim library is the same as the local anim library.                                      

flag_blueCreate!: Create the project. If a project name like "Am*&^%:Proj" is input, it will create a project named "Am_____Proj" instead.

flag_blueCancel: Cancel project creation.

Warning   After creation, a projectName.libproj will be created, the file will always created in local side,

which is:  Maya's User Application Dir/MGTools_GlobalData/MG_PoseAnimLib/YourProjName/YourProjName.libproj.

