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Converters are a MEL script that converts other types of picker nodes/files into MG-Picker files/nodes.

The converters utilize the MEL API commands provided by MG-Picker Studio heavily, especially these 3 commands:

MGPicker, MGPickerItem, MGPickerLink.

Refer to the command reference for those commands to know more about these commands.


Where should these converter scripts be placed?

For factory default converters, they are in the Maya's user script folder/ MG-PickerStudio/MGPicker_Program/Converters,

the factory default converters are maintained by the developer of MG-Picker Studio so better keep them intact.

For user converters, please put them here: Maya's user script folder/MG-PickerStudio/MGPicker_UserConfig/Converters.


To learn how to write a converter, check out the existing converters from the factory default converters folder:

Converter_abxPicker.mel,  Converter_nickPicker.mel


Say your converter is for the otherPicker nodes, and the converter file is called Converter_otherPicker.mel,

the interfaces that a converter mel should implement are:

//other picker node converter API:        

global proc int  Converter_otherPicker_autoReadNode();   //return 0~1 value, indicate if MG-Picker should invoke this converter to autoload your in-scene picker node.

global proc string Converter_otherPicker_nodeType();  //return string value, the type string of picker node.

global proc int Converter_otherPicker_isPickerNode(string $node);   //return 0~1 value, indicating  the node is of the picker node.

global proc string Converter_otherPicker_getNamespace(string $node);   //return the namespace from a picker node.

                                                         //The proc is used in find&Load feature of MG-Picker studio.

global proc string[] Converter_otherPicker_nodeLister(); //list all the picker nodes in the scene.

global proc int Converter_otherPicker_readNode(string $node);                //the actual reader for each picker node.


//other picker file converter API:        

global proc int Converter_otherPicker_isPickerFile(string $fileFullPath);                //Return 1 if the file is the picker file, 0 if not.                

global proc int Converter_otherPicker_readFile(string $fileFullPath);                //the actual reader for each picker file.


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